Degree Electrical and computer Engineering : Laboratory
Sr No | Name of Laboratory | Laboratory In Charge | Lab Assistant | Area Sq. M | Total Investment |
1 | AC Machines Lab | Prof. L. S. Patil | Mr. P. V. Sutar | 67.89 | Rs. 8,41,834/- |
2 | DC Machines Lab | Prof. L. S. Patil | Mr. P. V. Sutar | 67.35 | Rs. 5,00,000/- |
3 | Control Systems Lab | Dr. S. N. Patil | Mr. V. R. Phalke | 46.82 | Rs 9,27,860/- |
4 | Power Systems Lab | Mrs. T. S. Bandgar | Mr. V. R. Phalke | 45.52 | Rs 8,36,190/- |
5 | Switchgear Protection Lab | Mrs. S. S. Khatangale | Mr. P. V. Sutar. | 78.42 | Rs 13,72,000/- |
6 | Electrical Drives Lab | Mr. S. Y. Gadgune | Mr. P. V. Sutar | 58.74 | Rs 8,53,000/- |
7 | Machine Design Lab | Mr. S. K. Shaikh | Mr. V. R. Phalke | 77.99 | Rs 11,80,515/- |
8 | P. G. Lab | Mrs. N. S. Patil | Mr. V. R. Phalake | 78 | Rs 8,36,190 |
1. | Name of Laboratory | AC Machines Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 67.89 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Prof. L. S. Patil |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. P. V. Sutar |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs. 8,41,834/- |
6. | Laboratory Resources | |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. 3 ph SC induction motor& DC shunt generator load test 2. 3 ph synchronous motor & DC shunt generator 3. 3 ph slip ring IM & DC shunt generator 4. 3ph 2 KVA isolation transformer 5. 3 ph 20A dimmer 6. 3 ph motor with break load 7. 3 ph IM coupled with generator 8. 3 ph alternator coupled to 3 ph SCIM | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | DC Machines Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 67.35 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Prof. D. S. Patil |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. P. V. Sutar |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs. 5,00,000/- |
6. | Laboratory Resources | |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. 15 kw DC power supply rectifier unit (Static) 2. 14 kw DC power supply rectifier unit (Dynamic) 3. DC motor & generator set 4. DC motor & alternator set 5. DC motor & DC shunt generator 6. DC motor & DC compound generator 7. DC shunt motor with break load test 8. DC generator coupled to induction motor | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | Control Systems Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 46.82 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Mrs. S. N.Patil |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. V. R. Phalke |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 9,27,860/- |
6. | Laboratory Resources | |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. Lenovo Think Centre Desktop, PC-i5, 4 gb RAM. HDD 1 TB, Lenovo Colour Monitor, Champion UPS 2. 2 gb graphics card 3. HP Lasejet Printer M1005 | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | Power Systems Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 45.52 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Mr. V. B. Savakhande |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. V. R. Phalke |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 8,36,190/- |
6. | Laboratory Resources | |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. Lenovo Think Centre Desktop, PC-i5, 4 gb RAM. HDD 1 TB, Lenovo Colour Monitor, Champion UPS 2. 2 gb graphics card 3. HP Lasejet Printer M1005 | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | Switchgear Protection Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 78.42 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Mr. D. S. Patil |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. P.V. Sutar |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 13,72,000/- |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. ElectroMechanical type Phase Fault Relays Kit with source Unit 2. ElectroMechanical type Earth Fault Relays Kit with source Unit 3. ElectroMechanical type Over Voltage Relays Kit with source Unit 4. ElectroMechanical type Over Current Relay Kit with source Unit 5. Electromechanical Type Directional Over Current Relay Kit with source Unit 6. MicroProcessor based Over Current Relay with Differential Characteristics Kit with source Unit 7. MicroProcessor based E/F included over/under voltage Relay Kit with source Unit 8. MicroProcessor based Impedance Relay Kit with source Unit 9. MicroProcessor based Directional Over Current Relay Kit with source Unit 10. Differential Relay Kit with source Unit 11. Relay Test kit with source Unit | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | Electrical Drives Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 58.74 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Mr. S. Y. Gadgune |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. P. V. Sutar |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 8,53,000/- |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. SCR/TRIAC/DIAC/MOSFET/IGBT Char. Kit 2. Single phase Full wave bridge converter feeding DC motor kit 3. Morgans Chopper Kit 4. Three-Phase Induction Motor Control using PWM inverter with V/F scheme 5. DSO_Specification TBS1052B, 50MHz-200MHz 6. Three phase fully controlled converter (with microcontroller based firing,1000W lamp load, 5A capacity, Isolated output) 7. Chopper circuit using power MOSFET for motor control with Motor(With ¼ HP ,110V DC series motor with loading arrangement, spring Balance ,speed indicator) 8. Three phase induction controller using slip power recovery scheme 9. 3 phase induction motor controller using V/F scheme and PWM method for 0.5HP motor Above and below Base Speed 10. Chopper circuit using power MOSFET for motor control with Motor (with microcontroller based firing, ½ HP DC motor ,isolated output) | |
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1. | Name of Laboratory | Machine Design Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 77.99 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Ms. S. P. Patil |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. V. R. Falke |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 11,80,515/- |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. Lenovo Think Centre Desktop, PC-i5, 4 gb RAM. HDD 1 TB, Lenovo Colour Monitor, Champion UPS 2. 2 gb graphics card 3. HP Lasejet Printer M1005 4. Wheastones Bridge, Kelvins Double Bridge 5. Maxwells Bridge kit, Hays Bridge kit 6. Andersons Bridge kit, Schering Bridge Kit 7. Wien Bridge Kit, Dwens Bridge Kit 8. Linear Variable Differential Transducer Kit 9. Reciprocity Therom Chassis, ThevininsTherom Chassis, NortansTherom Chassis 10. Superposition Therom Chassis, Compensation Therom Chassis, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Chassis | |
1. | Name of Laboratory | P. G. Lab |
2. | Area of Laboratory | 78 sqm |
3. | Laboratory Incharge | Mr. M. C. Butale |
4. | Laboratory Assistant | Mr. V. R. Phalke |
5. | Laboratory Investment | Rs 8,36,190/- |
| List of Major Equipment | |
| 1. Lenovo Think Centre Desktop, PC-i5, 4 gb RAM. HDD 1 TB, Lenovo Colour Monitor, Champion UPS 2. 2 gb graphics card 3. HP Lasejet Printer M1005 | |