About The Central Library
- Library is the heart of the institution covered with 1375 Sq. M area. It is a unique Knowledge Centre. The fully well equipped Library of P. V. P. I. T. is a treasure houseof knowledge comprises ever growing collection of around 55000 books and 2000 Bound volumes of journals, and 8000 video Lecture from NPTL & 2000 E-books, 2000 CD’s etc. Journal section of central library has subscribed 77 national Journals,43 International Journals and 275 Online Journals.
- “Reading is to the mind, what causes food to the health”.
- To take all sorts of the efforts to enrich the knowledge by providing recent advanced Journals, books and the best possible services to the students and faculty.
Working Hours
- 08.00 am To 08.00 pm
- During the exam period 08.00 am To 12.00 pm midnight
Library Facilities
- Total No. of Volumes : 55000.
- On-Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC FACILITY) Library Books Automation.
- Bound Volumes: 2000.
- CD’s: 2000 No.
- Print Journals: 122.
- On Line Journals: 275 Nos. (Science Direct).
- IIT Video Series.
- NPTL Video Lectures – 8000.
- Free Book facility to SC/ST Scholarship Students.
- Book Bank for F.E. Students.
- Information Retrieval Lab (Internet ) facility.
- Reference service, CAS.
- Xerox.(Reprography)
- DELNET Membership : For document delivery and on-line database Searches including Bibliography Searches.
Library Committee
Sr. No. |
Name |
Department |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. P.B. Kadam-Lugade |
General Engg. |
Co-ordinator |
2 |
Mr. S. Y. Pawar |
Chemical |
Member |
3 |
Mr. Sunil S. Mane |
Civil |
Member |
4 |
Mr. M. L. Hargude |
Mechanical |
Member |
5 |
Mr. J. A. Ukirade |
Electronics |
Member |
6 |
Ms. M. A. Khade |
Info.Tech. |
Member |
7 |
Ms. R. P. Onkare |
E. & TC. |
Member |
8 |
Mr. R. P. Desai |
Instrumentation |
Member |
9 |
Mr. M. C. Butale |
Electrical |
Member |
10 |
Mr. J. B. Rajput |
Library |
I/c Librarian |
Faculty Details

(B.A. M. Lib &I. Sc)
Mr. Rajput J. B
I\c Librarian

Mrs. Mirajkar P.P.
(B.A. M. Lib)
Assit. Librarian

Mr. Paramane P. V.
Sr. Clerk

Mr. Patil Surendra S.
(B.Com. M. Lib & Sc)
Sr. Clerk

Mrs. Patil M.V.

Mr..Solapure S.S.
(F.Y.B.A.( Dip .In H\N ENGG ))
Jr. Clerk

Mr. Shinde D. S.

Mr. Rajput P.B.
(H.S.C. ( F.Y. B.A. App.))>
Rules And Regulation
Home Issues
- Home issue section allows open access to all Readers.
- Readers are requested to collect their Borrower card in time as per library rules.
- Students should submit their Borrower card at the counter to get books issued.
- Borrower’s card is strictly “Not Transferable”. If any Readers submit other’s card to avail the library facility, all facilities provided for original cardholder will be suspended as per library rules.
- The book issued in exchange of Borrower card, can be kept with the Readers till due date only. Over-due charges will be collected as per rules.
- Any damage accoutered to the books must be brought to the notice of the library staff at the counter before taking it out of the library premises.
- Readers should collect their Borrower card back after returning the book.
- “No Dues” certificate will not be granted unless Borrowers card surrendered to the library at the end of the year or when leaving the college.
- Readers should enter their name and affix their signature on the gate register.
- Question paper set, Periodicals, Reference book and other reading material will be provided to students on their I card and such material is not allowed to carry-out of the reading room.
- This section allows total open access to all readers.
- Readers should observe silence in this section.
- Readers should produce their valid Membership card to avail the reference facility.
- Readers should not shelve books/bounds volumes keep on the table itself. Library people will shelve them at proper place.
- Reference tools, reference books, issues of journals and bound volumes. Do not right anything on books, issues of journals and bound volumes. use them carefully since we cannot replace them easily.
- This card are very valuable preserve it carefully.
- In case somebody lose it will have to pay Rs. 25/- as compensation charges for each card charges for each card along with an undertaking that he/she will be fully responsible for the loss of card. The duplicate card will be issued on the same day.
- If anyone found his/her lost card after taking the duplicate card he/she should return any one of the cards as per his/her choice to avoid misuse.
Digital Library:
Library has a well equipped Digital Library with 27 computers to provide access to electronic resources, such as e-journals, e-books, NPTEL On line Lectures . The students and faculties can search, browse, download or print the article from e-journal or a portion from e-books.
Sr. No. |
E – Journals |
E – Content |
1 |
Elsevier |
275 Journals (Back File Access From 2000 Onwards) Engineering + Computer Science, Chemical Engineering 30 (Back File Access from 2000 onwards) Science direct |