Team solaris PVPIT Budhgaon, Sangli.
Achieved All india 3rd rank in static round and All india 5th rank in dynamic round in the event ” National Solar Vehicle challenge” (NSVC) held at VNIT nagpur in march 2020
also achieved following awards
1) Best Innovation award
2) Public choice award

Research And Publications
Sr. No. | Title of Paper | Author/s | Publication Details | Publication Date |
1 | Experimental Invsitigation of Natural Covection Heat Transfer in inline and staggered dimpled plates | Mr.C.G.Harge Mr.S.A.Wani | International Journal of Scientific Research Developement,Volume5-Issue10-2017,Pp.821-827 | 2017-12 |
2 | Review Paper on Design and developement of Aqua Slicer | Mr.P.V.Kadam Mr.N.V.Hargude | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2017-10 |
3 | A Review paper based on Design,Optimization and Testing of Special purpose Worm and Worm Wheel Gear box FOR Butterfly Valve operation | Mr.R.D.Patil Mr.S.N.Ankalkhope Mr.S.S.Awati | International Journal of Scientific Research Developement,Volume5-Issue5July-2017 | 2017-07 |
4 | Comparitive design and optimization of FG3OO and SG350/22 Material used for Rorary table pallet | Mr.P.V.Kadam | International Journal of Scientific Research Developement,Volume5-Issue2-2017,Pp.821-827 | |
5 | Experimental Analysis of Connecting rod for Weight reduction | Mr.N.D.Patil Mr.P.P.Awate Mr.S.P.Shinde | Imperical Journal of Interdiciplinory research Volume3-Issue3,Pp.936-938 | 2017-10 |
6 | Experimental and Analysis of Connection rod optimization for weight reduction | Mr.N.D.Patil Mrs.S.P.Shinde Mr.P.P.Awate. | International Journal of science Technology and Engineering,Volume4-Issue4,Oct2017,Pp.4-7 | 2017-10 |
7 | Performance analysis of Heat Exchanger using helical fins with varying pitch | Mr.S.R.Patil | International Journal for scientific research and developement,Volume5-Issue7 | 2017-09 |
8 | Effect of Different Electrolytes on Material Removal Rate, Diameter of Hole and Spark in Electrochemical Discharge Machining | Mukund Harugade Sachin Waigaonkar | International Scientific-Technical Conference (MANUFACTURING 2017), Poznan University of Technology, Poland, Oct. 24-26, 2017, pp. 427-437 | |
9 | “Effect of High-Speed Tool Rotation on Electrochemical Discharge Engraving” | Mukund L.Harugade Sachin D.Waigaonkar Nikhil S.Mane Narayan V. Hargude | International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-10), IIT Madras, Dec. 7-9, 2017, pp.700-704. | |
10 | “Effect of High Speed Tool Rotation on the Performance of Electrochemical Discharge Machining (ECDM) for Composite Material”, | Mukund Harugade Sachin Waigaonkar Nikhil Mane | International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities (AMPCO-2017) IIT Roorkee, Nov.30-Dec.2, 2017, pp.115-116. | |
11 | “Experimental Investigation of High speed tool rotation on Heat affected zone and over cut in ECDM” | Mukund L.Harugade Sachin D.Waigaonkar Nikhil S.Mane Narayan V. Hargude | International Conference on Nano Technology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN: 3I-2017), IIT Roorkee, Dec. 6-8, 2017, pp.767-768. | |
12 | Significance of viscoelastic Materials in Vibration and Noise Controls | Prof.A. A. Kumbhojkar Prof.A.P.Shrotri | International Journal of Engineering science and Management Volume02,Issue01,Jan-2016,Pg59-63 | 2016-01 |
13 | Development of Composite material using Coconut shell particles and Bagasse particles in proportion by their weight and Estimation of Mechanical Strengths of the same | Prof.A. A. Kumbhojkar Prof.A.P.Shrotri | International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science,Volume04,issue02,Feb2016,Pg.116-121 | 2016-02 |
14 | Design and Development of Steering Knuckle with Spindle and its Optimization- A Review | Prof. M.L. Hargude | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology ,Vol. 5 Issue 03 | 2016-03 |
15 | Design Optimization and Performance Analysis of Hybrid Composite Overwrapped PressureA Review | Prof.A. P. Shrotri Prof.S.B. Khandagale | International journal of engineering science and management (IJESM)Volume 2, Number 1 – 2016 | |
16 | A review on “Design Optimization of composite material drive shaft of an Automobile | Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.S.B.Khandagae Prof.C.G.Harge | International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology(IJAEST) Volume5, Number 1 – 2016 PP 65-68 | |
17 | Tool Condition Monitoring In Machining Using | Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.Dr.S.S.Kulkarni Prof.C.G.Harge | International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology(IJAEST) Volume5, Number 1 – 2016 PP 59-64 | |
18 | Vibration Signature Analysis: A Review | |||
19 | Suspension system with broad classification and various models: a review | Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.Dr.S.S.Kulkarni | International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (IJATES) Volume4, Number 2 Feb 2016 PP 97-103 | 2016-02 |
20 | Analysis of Power generation :An innovative technology of solar chimeny | Prof.C.G.Harge | International Journal of innovative and futuristic research-31 issue Pp.2477-2485 | 2016-03 |
21 | Strategies in supply chain management-A review | Prof.C.G.Harge | International Journal of Science-Technology and Management Volume05-Issue03 | 2016-03 |
22 | Strategies in supply chain management-A review | Prof.C.G.Harge | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
23 | Modern Trends in Marketing management a Review | Prof.N.V.Hargude | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
24 | Theoretical study of different types of composite materials | Prof.N.V.Hargude | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
25 | Experimental investigations of an inline dimpled plate by natural Convection heat transfer-A Review | Prof.N.V.Hargude | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
26 | Quality Function Deployment | Prof.N.V.Hargude | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
27 | Automatic Batteries :-A compact and life power source | Prof.N.V.Hargude | Published in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management ,BMAT-Kolhapur | 2016-03 |
28 | Design Failure Mode Effect analysis of a Centrifugal Oil Cleaner and Plan of Validation of DFMEA | Mr.A.R.Dandekar Prof.N.V.Hargude Prof.A.P.Shrotri | FTESHT16 IPS College -Gwalior | 23-01-16 |
29 | Review on fabrication and Modal analysis of E-Glass woven moving composite plate | Prof.R.D.Patil Prof.Dr.A.A.Mirje | Published in proceedings of International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Engineering, Science, Humanities and Technology,Gwalior,Pg.142-145 | 23-01-16 |
30 | Development of Composite material using Coconut shell particles and Bagasse particles in proportion by their weight and Estimation of Mechanical Strengths of the same | Prof.A.A.Kumbhojkar | Published in proceedings 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Management at YMCA,Delhi | |
31 | An Experimental study of Thermo – Hydraulic performance of modified Double pipe Heat exchanger using mesh inserts | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of Innovative Research in science, engineering & Technology (IJIRSET) (ISSN online – 2319-8753, ISBN print 2347-6710) vol 4 issue 6, June 2015 | 2015-06 |
32 | Review of Natural convection Heat transfer from smooth plates & Rough serrated plates of different materials to increase energy efficiency of system | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal for scientific research and development, Vol-3, issue 05,2015 | |
33 | Design and Development of a Special Purpose Bidirectional Mixer to Maximize Agitating Performance | Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.D.P.Patil Prof.V.P.Patil Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering (IJMSME) Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2015, PP 1-7 | 2015-06 |
34 | Experimental investigation of dimpled plate by natural Convection heat transfer – a review | Prof.A.P. Shrotri Prof.S.A.Wani Prof.S.R.Patil Prof.S.A.Kore | International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology (IJAEST),Volume 4, Issue 3, Dec 2015, PP 105-110 | 2015-12 |
35 | Magneto hydrodynamics: a Emerging Trend to Enhance Heat Transfer in Air Conditioning System | Prof.A.P. Shrotri Prof.S.A.Wani Prof.V.P.Patil Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal Series in Multidisciplinary Research (IJSMR), Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015 | |
36 | Design optimization of pressure vessel support Frame Using Finite Element Analysis | Prof.A.P. Shrotri Prof.S.A.Wani Prof.SandeshAwati | IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME),Volume 3, Issue 11 | 2015-11 |
37 | Coupling of Solar Collectors for getting High Temperatures for Industrial Applications: A Review | Prof.A.P. Shrotri Prof.M.L.Hargude Prof.V.P.Patil Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal of Recent Advances in Science & Engineering Volume 1, Issue 10, December, 2015 | 2015-12 |
38 | MATLAB analysis of an Electrically Powered Active Hybrid Suspension (EPAHS) for vehicle | Prof.A.P. Shrotri Prof.D.P.Patil Prof.V.P.Patil Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal of Recent Advances in Science & Engineering Volume 1, Issue 10, December, 2015 | 2015-12 |
39 | An experimental Investigation of Humidity control in test chamber | Prof.A.M.Patil | In Indian streams research Journal, Vol 5/issue 7 | 2015-08, |
40 | Heat transfer Enhancement Techniques | Prof.A.M.Patil | International journal of Scientific Engineering & Technology Research JISETR, Vol 04, ISSUE 57 | 2015-12 |
41 | Stress analysis of Notch specimen by using reflection polariscope Technique | Prof.R.D.Patil | International Journal of Recent Advances in Science and Engineering Volume-I, Issue 10,Dec2015 | 2015-12 |
42 | Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Composite Material | Prof N.V.Hargude | International Journal of innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology,Volume4-issue6,Nov2015 | 2015-06 |
43 | Comparison of air cooled and evaporative cooled refrigeration systems | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of Engineering research and application. Vol. 4, Issue 6, June, 2015, pg 208-211 | 2015-06 |
44 | Deflection analysis of steel leaf spring vs composite leaf spring through FEA software | Prof N.V.Hargude | International Journal of Application or innovation in Engineering and Management,Volume4-Issue4,April2015 | 2015-04 |
45 | Review of Recent Techniques of Heat transfer enhancement and validation of heat exchanger | Prof.S.P.Mane | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2015-04 |
46 | A review on optimization of rotary table pallets | Prof N.V.Hargude | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,volume6-issue3,March2015,Pg.21.24 | 2015-03 |
47 | Magneto hydrodynamics: A method for Performance enhancement in air conditioning and refrigeration | Prof.H.M.Dange Prof.P.P.Awate Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, March. 2015 | 2015-03 |
48 | Optimization of capillary tube in refrigeration system | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of Application of Innovation in Engineering and Management. Vol. 4, Issue 3. March, 2015 | 2015-03 |
49 | Review on Theoretical analysis of Spray bowl interaction | Prof.B.S.Galande | International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering | 2015-03 |
50 | Analysis of carbon fiber epoxy composite leaf springs | Prof N.V.Hargude | International Journal or science research and development,Volume2-Issue12,Feb2015 | 2015-02 |
51 | Analysis of carbon fiber epoxy composite leaf springs | Prof.N.V.Hargude Prof.P.P.Awate Prof.N.D.Patil | International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, vol 2, Issue 12, Feb.2015 | 2015-02 |
52 | Parametric optimization of near dry electrical discharge machining process for AISI SAE D-2 Tool steel | Prof N.V.Hargude | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,volume6-issue1,Jan2015,Pg.21.24 | 2015-01 |
53 | A comparative study for selection of effective electrolyte solution for electrochemical discharge machine | Prof.N.V.Hargude Prof.A.P.Shrtotri Mr.M.L.Hargude Mr.S.P.Shinde | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,volume6-issue3,Nov2014,Pg.21.24 | 2015-01 |
54 | Review on Experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer with special V fins array | Prof.S.A.Wani | International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, vol 2, Issue 11, Jan.2015 | 2015-01 |
55 | Experimental study of heat transfer parameters using internal threaded pipe fitted with inserts of different materials | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of innovations in engineering research and technology. Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan, 2015 | 2015-01 |
56 | Experimental study of heat transfer parameters serrated plate fin heat exchanger for two different materials | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of innovations in engineering research and technology. Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan, 2015 | 2015-01 |
57 | Theoretical Analysis of spray bowl interaction | Prof. B.S. Galande | National conference on Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer Date: 19-20 Jan. 2015 | 2015-01 |
58 | Review paper on Application of variable displacement linkage in radial piston pump | Prof.S.S.Patil Prof.N.V.Hargude Prof. Pol P.S. | International Journal of Engineering Science and Research Technology, Dec2014 | 2014-12 |
59 | Design and Development of Die Manufacturing a pump impeller in cooling system of two wheeler | Prof.D.P.Patil | International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research&Studies, Dec 2014 | 2014-12 |
60 | Development and performance evaluation of selective cooling of absorber tube for parabolic through collector | Prof.A.M.Patil | International Journal of Application for innovation in Engineering Management, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014,Pg.169-174 | 2014-11 |
61 | Time an Unveiled dimension in Engineering Practice | Prof.C.G.Harge Prof.A.A.Kumbhojkar Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.A.R.Dandekar | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology,Volume3-issue11,Nov2014 | 2014-11 |
62 | A review on effect of addition of Nano particles on tribological properties of lubricants | Prof.D.P.Patil Prof.A.P.Shrtotri | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,volume5-issue11,Nov2014,Pg.120-129 | 2014-11 |
63 | Review of Heat Transfer Parameters using serrated plate fin heat exchanger with different materials | Prof.A.M.Patil Prof.H.M.Dange | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology,Volume1-issue1,Nov2014,Pg.1-6 | 2014-11 |
64 | Review of Heat Transfer Parameters using internal threaded pipe fitted with inserts of different materials | Prof.A.M.Patil Prof.H.M.Dange | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology,Volume1-issue1, Nov2014,Pg.1-6 | 2014-11 |
65 | Design and Devlopement of cutter for rotary Weeder | Dr.S.S.Kulkarni | International Journal of Research and Industrial Application,vol7-issue4,Nov2014,pg.34-43 | 2014-11 |
66 | Study about the performance assessment of indirect evaporative cooling | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of advances in science and technology, Vol. 8 Issue 16, Nov.. 2014 | 2014-11 |
67 | Review of heat transfer for parameters using internal threaded pipe fitted with inserts of different materials | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Juornal of innovations in engineering research and technology. Vol. 1, Issue 1, Nov, 2014 | 2014-11 |
68 | Development of Gasoline Port Injection System for Kirloskar Engine and Their Performanance study | Prof.S.J.Adsul Prof.C.G.Harge Prof.N.S.Mane | International Journal of Technological Exploration And Learning,VOL3-No.5,Octo2014,Pg.572-575 | 2014-10 |
69 | Design and development of plastic injection mold for Auto component | Prof.S.SPatil | International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and studies,Vol4,Oct-Dec2014,Pg.27-30 | 2014-10 |
70 | Stress analysis of notch specimen by using reflection polariscope technique | Prof.R.D.Patil Prof. S.S.Awati | International Journal of Scientific Research and Management studies, Vol. 1- Issue 8, Oct. 2014, Pg. 257-262 | 2014-10 |
71 | Development of weeder blade by Finite analysis method | Dr.S.S.Kulkarni | International Journal of scientific research and Engineering technology,volume3-Issue 6 Sept2014,Pg.941-945,sept2014 | 2014-09 |
72 | Study of Cottonseed Oil and Maize Oil Biodiesel as a Fuel for C I Engine | Prof.H.M.Dange | International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume3-issue9,Sept2014, Pg.150-152 | 2014-09 |
73 | Cost Reduction of Fix Jaw of Rear Vice of Horizontal Band Saw Machine using Topology Optimization | Prof.N.V.Hargude | International Journal of Scientific and Research,Volume3-Issue8, August2014, Pg.268-272 | 2014-08 |
74 | An analysis on various techniques of cooling and estimation intended for building | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of advances in science and technology, Vol. 7 Issue XIV, Aug. 2014 | 2014-08 |
75 | Application of Automatic Control System for Quality Enhancement-A Case Study | Prof.R.D.Patil Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.D.P.Patil Prof.A.R.Dandekar | International Journal of Engineering Associates ,Volume3-issue7,July2014, Pg.4-7 | 2014-07 |
76 | Single phase heat transfer and pressure drop in the microtube with coiled wire insert | Prof.A.M. Patil | International Journal of Engineering and Innovations, Vol 3. Issue 12, July 2014 | 2014-07 |
77 | Performance Analysis of square port micro channel condenser using various nano fluids in refrigeration system | Prof.H.M.Dange | In the souvenir of National Conference On Recent Trends In Interdisciplinary Research In Material Science(Abstract pg.-OP2) Date:-26-27 Dec 2014 | 2014-12 |
78 | Optimum Design & Analysis of Composite Drive Shaft | Prof.N.V.Hargude Prof.KD.Ghadge Prof.V.P.Patil | In the souvenir of National Conference On Recent Trends In Interdisciplinary Research In Material Science(Abstract pg.-PP38) Date:-26-27Dec2014 | 2014-12 |
79 | Review of Hard Coating Materials | Prof.A.P.Shrotri Prof.P.P.Awate | In the souvenir of National Conference On Recent Trends In Interdisciplinary Research In Material Science (Abstract pg.-PP31) | 2014-12 |
80 | Sub concrete Volute pump | Prof.N.V.Hargude | In the National Conference on Methods for reducing the odd effects of Mechanical Vibration Date :-27-28Nov2014 | 2014-11 |
81 | Review of Vibration Reduction in hand driven power machinery | Prof.N.V.Hargude | In the National Conference on Methods for reducing the odd effects of Mechanical Vibration Date :-27-28Nov2014 | 2014-11 |
82 | Design optimization of exhaust muffler | Prof.N.V.Hargude | In the National Conference on Methods for reducing the odd effects of Mechanical Vibration Date :-27-28Nov2014 | 2014-11 |
83 | Review of Micro Enterprise role in Woman empowerment | Prof.N.V.Hargude | UGC sponsored conference on Management of micro-small-medium enterprises Date:-10-11 Octo-2014 | 2014-10 |
84 | Design optimization of concrete volute pump | Prof.N.V.Hargude | In the National Conference on Methods for reducing the odd effects of Mechanical Vibration Date :-27-28Nov2014 | 2014-11 |
Student Achievements
Participations and Awards in inter Institute Events by Students: 2018-19 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
1 | Indraja A Dandekar | ZEST 19 | COEP | Winner |
2 | Indraja A Dandekar | BIZ Multiverse | WCE, Sangli | Finalist |
3 | Shreya D Mali | ZEST 19 | COEP | Winner |
4 | Atharv Patil | Kabaddi | MIT | Runner Up |
5 | Swaraj Chavan | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
6 | Omkar Ghorpade | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
7 | Sumit Hargude | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
8 | Avdhut Sangameshwkar | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
9 | Sagar Kulkarni | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
10 | Parikshit Bhosale | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
11 | Nagesh Pujari | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
12 | Abhishek R Ghatage | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
13 | Aniket R. Mule | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
14 | Shweta U. Patil | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
15 | Komal Chougule | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
16 | Sneha Gadade | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
17 | Teja R. Gavhane | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
18 | Sourabh Birnale | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
19 | Sammed S Patil | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
20 | Sourabh S Thorat | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
21 | Rushikesh D Patil | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
22 | Manoj L Patil | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
23 | Mahaling R. Bhajibhakare | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
24 | Rahul T Sargar | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
25 | Priyanka S Patil | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
26 | Kshitija S Mali | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
Participations and Awards in inter Institute Events by Students: 2018-19 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
27 | Aditya G Mane | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
28 | Akhilesh K Joshi | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
29 | Indraja A Dandekar | Tifan 2019 | SAE India | Winner |
30 | Tanvir Harunashid Mulla | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
31 | BHushan B patil | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
32 | Sourabh vasant Rajmane | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
33 | Verendra P Patil | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
34 | Pratik N Patil | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
35 | Rohan Dilip Chavan | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
36 | Amarsingh Patil | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
37 | Onkar G jadhav | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
38 | Omkar S Vani | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
39 | Abhishek S Palkar | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
40 | Mahamadsad D jamadar | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
41 | Paras A Patil | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
42 | Ashitosh S. Nagargoje | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
43 | Shivkiran S. Shetty | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
44 | Shubham S. Tahshidar | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
45 | Swaroop S Gavali | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
46 | Rushikesh S. Chitre | IKC | Nexus Motorsports | Participant |
47 | Karande Vinayak | Nirmiti(C2S) | PVPIT | 1st runner up |
48 | Dhaygude Shubham | Nirmiti(C2S) | PVPIT | 1st runner up |
49 | Mali Nikhil | Nirmiti(C2S) | PVPIT | 1st runner up |
50 | Kamble Amit | Nirmiti(C2S) | PVPIT | 1st runner up |
51 | Raval Shubham | Nirmiti(C2S) | PVPIT | 1st runner up |
Participations and Awards in inter Institute Events by Students: 2018-19 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
52 | Uttare Sushant S. | Nirmiti(Auto kick) | PVPIT | Participant |
53 | Jadhav Akash | Volley Ball | PVPIT | Winner |
54 | Chavan Suraj | Volley Ball | PVPIT | Winner |
55 | Jadhav Akash | Volley Ball (Sangli Zonal) | Sangli Zonal | Winner |
56 | Erandole Pragati | Javelin Throw | Dbatu | Winner |
57 | Jadhav Onkar | Badminton (Sangli Zonal) | Sangli Zonal | Winner |
58 | Dandekar Indraja | Badminton | Dbatu | Winner |
59 | Erandole Pragati | Badminton | Dbatu | Winner |
60 | Valsang Nikhil | Cricket (Sangli Zonal) | Sangli Zonal | Participant |
61 | Podajale Santosh | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
62 | Pawar Vishal | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
63 | Shingade Satyajeet V | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
64 | Sonavale Hrishikesh V | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
65 | Sutar Nikhil G | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
66 | Pol Ruturaj S | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
67 | Shaikh Sahil S | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
68 | Belwalkar Abhishek S | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
69 | Naik Pradyumna V | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
70 | Kanade Shriyash S | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
71 | Dhobale Suhas D | NIRMITI C2S | PVPIT | Runner Up |
72 | Pol Krishna C | NIRMITI C2S | PVPIT | Runner Up |
73 | Patil Amol Baban | NIRMITI C2S | PVPIT | Runner Up |
74 | Pol Krishna C | NIRMITI Aptica | PVPIT | Participant |
75 | Patil Amol Baban | NIRMITI Aptica | PVPIT | Participant |
76 | Chavan Suraj V | Volleyball | Sangli Zone | Participant |
Participations and Awards in inter Institute Events by Students: 2018-19 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
77 | Chougule Shubhaam | Football | PVPIT | Winner |
78 | Nadaf Mohsin R | Volleyball | PVPIT | Winner |
79 | Patil harshal V | Volleyball | PVPIT | Winner |
80 | Pattanshetti Swapnil D | Volleyball | PVPIT | Winner |
81 | Sidwadkar Prajyot Dilip | Volleyball | PVPIT | Winner |
82 | Sidwadkar Prajyot Dilip | Volleyball | Sangli Zone | Winner |
83 | Jadhav Akash D | Volleyball | Sangli Zone | Winner |
84 | Jadhav Mukesh S | Volleyball | COEP | Participant |
85 | Jadhav Mukesh S | Volleyball | COEP(Zest) | Participant |
86 | Patil Atharva C | Kabaddi | DbATU | Runner Up |
87 | Patil Atharva C | Kabaddi | COEP(Zest) | Winner |
88 | Dandekar Indraja A | Badminton mix Double | COEP(Zest) | Winner |
89 | Jadhav Mukesh S | Volleyball | PVPIT | Winner |
90 | Chavan Rushikesh | Student Conference | Abhigyan COE Kolhapur | Participant |
91 | More Sakshi | Student Conference | Abhigyan COE Kolhapur | Participant |
92 | Momin Shahin | Student Conference | Abhigyan COE Kolhapur | Participant |
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
1 | Abhijeet Dilip Patil | Kabaddi | MIT-WPU | Winner |
2 | Swaraj Chavan | Tifan 2017 | SAE India | Participant |
3 | Omkar Ghorpade | Tifan 2017 | SAE India | Participant |
4 | Swaraj Chavan | ROBOWAR | COE Pune | Participant |
5 | Abhishek Ghatage | Tifan 2017 | SAE India | Participant |
6 | Aniket Mule | Tifan 2017 | SAE India | Participant |
7 | Omkar Ghorpade | eRyla-2.0 | Rotary Club | Participant |
8 | Omkar Ghorpade | Rotract club President | Rotary Club | Participant |
9 | Omkar Ghorpade | TECHNOCRAT | WCE, Sangli | Participant |
10 | Omkar Ghorpade | MRIDANGAN | Rotary Club | winner |
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
1 | Miss.Shreya Deepak Mali | Badminton | Zonal | Winner |
2 | Mr.Tayyab Jamadar | Brain Strom | PVPIT Budhgaon | Runner Up |
3 | Mr.Kiran Patil | Brain Strom | PVPIT Budhgaon | Runner Up |
4 | Miss.Darshana Chavan | Brain Strom | PVPIT Budhgaon | Winner |
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
2 | Mr. Gajanan Kolekar | Kabbadi | MAEER’s MIT Pune | Winner |
3 | Mr. Ranjit Patil | Kabbadi | MAEER’s MIT Pune | Winner |
4 | Mr. Abhijit Mali | Kabbadi | MAEER’s MIT Pune | Winner |
5 | Mr. Omakr Limaye | Chess | Zonal Shivaji University | Third |
6 | Mr. Satyajeet Suryavanshi | Chess | Zonal Shivaji University | Third |
7 | Mr. DigvijaySuryavanshi | Chess | Zonal Shivaji University | Third |
8 | Vichare Omkar Suresh | Poster Presentation | PVPIT | 1st Prize |
9 | Gejage Sunil Sonappa | PVPIT | ||
10 | Shinde Rajvardhan S. | Poster Presentation | PVPIT | 3rd Prize |
11 | Pawar Ravikumar P. | PVPIT | ||
12 | Mahadik Hrishikesh | Poster Presentation | PVPIT | 2nd Prize |
13 | Kore Mahesh | PVPIT | ||
14 | Bajaj Ankita | Box Cricket | MECHANO | Winner |
PVPIT | ||||
15 | Kale Swapnil B | 104thindian | ISCA | Participant |
Science | Kolkata |
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Event | College | Prize |
1 | Kolekar Gajanan N. | Kabaddi | Zonal | Participated |
2 | Mali Abhijeet D. | Kabaddi | Zonal | Participated |
3 | Vinayak Shitole | Kabaddi | Zonal | Participated |
4 | Ranjit Patil | Kabaddi | Zonal | Participated |
5 | Shraddha Desai | Air Rifle | State | Gold |
6 | Durgadevi Salagar | Mechano 2K15, Lathe War | PVPIT Budhgaon | Runner up |
7 | Suhas Mokashi | Discovery 2K15, Robo Soccer | ADCET, Ashta | Runner up |
Trailblazer 2K15, CAD Master | RIT | Shortlisted for 3rd round | ||
8 | Manoj Rankhamb | Discovery 2K15, Robo Soccer | ADCET, Ashta | Runner up |
9 | Jadhav Shivraj | Mechano 2K15, Mathopedia | PVPIT | Participated |
Gajanan Kolekar | ||||
10 | Vishwajit Ghatage | Mechano 2K15, Box Cricket | PVPIT | Participated |
11 | Niranjan Pandhare | IPL Auction | PVPIT | Participated |
Parshwa Kothari | ||||
12 | Mali Abhijeet D | Auction Smart Buildsmart 2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
IPL Auction | SBGI | Participated | ||
13 | Rahul Rangar | CRAFTTECH | WCI, Sangli | Runner Up |
Vertex 2015 | ||||
14 | Jadhav Amarsingh S | Logic Hunt | GCOE, Karad | Winner |
AAvishkar2k16 | ||||
15 | Jadhav Amarsingh S | IPL Auction | SBGI, Miraj | Participated |
YANTROTSAV 2k16 | ||||
16 | Jadhav Amarsingh S | Auction Smart Buildsmart 2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
17 | Katti Sharangpani Abhay | National Level Engineering Students Project Competition ELECRAMA-2016 | Engineer energizing india | Participated |
18 | Mane Sandeep Tanaji | National Level Engineering Students Project Competition ELECRAMA-2016 | Engineer energizing india | Participated |
19 | Dambalkar Pranav Vijay | National Level Engineering Students Project Competition ELECRAMA-2016 | Engineer energizing india | Participated |
20 | Kulkarni PavanPramod | National Level Engineering Students Project Competition ELECRAMA-2016 | Engineer energizing india | Participated |
21 | Phadke Rohit Purushottam | National Level Engineering Students Project Competition ELECRAMA-2016 | Engineer energizing india | Participated |
22 | Satish B Kamble | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
23 | Aditya A. Kale | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
24 | Bhosale Manoj Sopan | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
25 | ShindePravin Tanaji | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
26 | Utture Omkar Nittin | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
27 | Patil ShivanandKishor | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
28 | Nakate Nagesh Revansidha | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
29 | Kokate Akshaykumar Shrikant | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
30 | Mali Sanket Sanjay | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
31 | LattheAniket Ashok | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
32 | Kore Suraj Sanjaykumar | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |
33 | Shaha Sohan Santosh | SENSE-EXPO2k16 | PVPIT | Participated |